The Official Ultima 9 Patch
Produced by: Origin Systems Inc.
Website: UO Herald

The last official patch for Ultima 9 released by Origin Systems.
This was the last of the patches Origin Systems released for Ultima 9, and the only one worth hosting for download. It corrects a lot of the bugs that plagued the game, removed many plot-stopping errors, and offered marginal improvement to the game’s Direct3D graphics performance.
It is highly recommended that you install this patch if you plan to play Ascension. Indeed, this patch should be considered the penultimate step in an Ascension installation, provided that the game is being installed from discs released prior to the month of February in the year 2000. (Late-release Ultima 9 discs already have the patch applied.)
Hello. Is the link broken? Thanks!
Yeah, it is for the moment. I’ll see if I can get it back to good working order tonight.
Wow, wasn’t expecting someone from a site about Ultima to reply so fast! Thanks sir 🙂
Heh…this isn’t a typical site about Ultima.
Download is broken again, if any of you are alive I would love a fix.
I’ll look into it. Sorry about that!
Fixed it.
thanks man
No problem. It’s good to see there’s interest in these patches still.
link is broken
Really? I just tested it a few hours aho.
And I just tested it again…still works.
nothing downloads for me when i click download
Are the links broken? None of the mods or patches want to download
Seems I need to update a few of the links; they didn’t automatically flip over to HTTPS, and are stuck on HTTP. I just tried a download here in Edge, and it grabbed the file…but I had to manually click to approve the insecure download.
Hey if anyone is still out there, I have a question. When i get to the shrine of humitility there have to be a cutscene. But Ultima 9 crashed and says that there is in error and they cant play the cutscene. After that I am in the underwater city but i cant move. Please help me
Well, let’s start with some basic details: OS version, what patch level the game is at, where the game was installed from, and are you playing it in DirectX or Glide mode?
Hey, thank you for your reply, I solve this problem for myself. But now I have another problem, when I try to sail to Trinsic with the ship. The game crashed when I try ):
Ok. Well, same question set would apply.
One of the larger “problem spots” in the game is transparent textures, which you do encounter when sailing. (Moonglow too.) Depending on your hardware, patch level, and graphics mode, you may find things more of a struggle in this regard.